Malvina Reynolds: Song Lyrics and Poems  

What Happened to the Diners

Notes: words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1963 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1991. Dedicated to Rachel Carson.

There's a skull and crossbones on the can of spinach,
There's a little red flag on the bread.
Nobody knows what happened to the diners but they're dead.

There's a skull and crossbones on the juicy orange,
There's a warning note on the filet.
Nobody knows what happened to the diners but they've all passed away.

The stocks go up on the stock exchange from the chemical companies,
And the new brand cancer falls like rain on the peach and the apple trees.
Oh the fish are dying from the poisoned algae and the ducks are dying from the fish.
But if you got a share in Polluted Air, you can be as rich as you wish,
If you don't mind what you're eating from your dish.

Malvina Reynolds songbook(s) in which the music to this song appears:
---- [none]

Other place(s) where the music to this song appears:
---- Broadside No. 21 (late February 1963)

Malvina Reynolds recording(s) on which this song is performed:
---- [none]

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This page copyright 2006 by Charles H. Smith and Nancy Schimmel. All rights reserved.

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